The term education system generally refers to public schooling, not private schooling, and more commonly to kindergarten through high school programs. Schools or school districts are typically the smallest recognized form of “education system” and countries are the largest. States are also considered to have education systems.
Problems our education system is facing:
The education system of Pakistan is comprised of 260,903 institutions and is facilitating 41,018,384 students with the help of 1,535,461 teachers.
The biggest problem facing education today is :
• Lack of : innovation and mobility in higher education. Because of a number of private and public factors, colleges and universities have turned into massive private businesses.
- Gender gap: Major factors that hinder enrolment rates of girls include poverty, cultural constraints, illiteracy of parents, and parental concerns about the safety and mobility of their daughters. Society’s emphasis on girl’s modesty, protection and early marriages may limit the family’s willingness to send them to school. Enrolment of rural girls is 45% lower than that of urban girls; while for boys the difference is 10% only, showing that the gender gap is an important factor.
- cost of education: The cost of education is also the main reason many people are unable to send their children to school. Private schools are costing very high fees. private schools are better but not everywhere and government schools ensure equitable access but do not provide quality education.
- public strikes and country’s situation: Public strikes and bad situations of the country also affect the educational system badly. Monthly 1-2 Public strikes occur in Pakistan causing holidays for schools and colleges.
- Technical Education: Sufficient attention has not been paid to technical and vocational education in Pakistan. The number of technical and vocational training institutes is not sufficient and many are deprived of infrastructure, teachers, and tools for training.
- Old style Textbook and Syllabus: unfortunately textbooks are also in old patterned. No is consult in changing them. The present educational curriculum of Pakistan does not meet these modern standards of education and research. Hence this curriculum is not promoting the interest of the learner for practical work, research, scientific knowledge, and reflective observation, rather, it emphasizes memory and theory.