There are numerous actresses in the Pakistani showbiz assiduity who are masters of every art. Yes, in moment’s composition we’re talking about the notorious Pakistani actress, model, VJ. And host Sanam Jung. Sanam Jung started her showbiz career as a MC on a television channel. After that, she also ventured into the world of acting on the TV screen to try her luck. And she has shown the substance of acting. In notorious Pakistani dramatizations like Dil e Muztar and Mere Humdam
The 24- time-old Pakistani actress and host Sanam Jung clearly needs no preface. Her fame rose when she agreed to host a morning show on Hum TV. And she continued to host the live morning show on Hum TV for about seven to eight times. But due to some fiscal situation the television operation had to stop the morning show. And hence Sanam Jung had to say goodbye. After that, she launched her YouTube channel and therefore connect with her suckers and partake her diurnal life with the public.
Sanam Jung started her wedded life 8 times ago by getting wedded to airman Syed Qassam Jafri. After marriage, Sanam and Qassam have come parents of a son. And they named their son Alaya.
A many days agone,
Numerous people started spreading rumors that Sanam and her hubby had disassociated. And Sanam was living alone in Pakistan with her son. Sanam denied this and said that her son Alaya doesn’t have an American passport yet. Due to which she can not go to America with her hubby as her son will be left alone in Pakistan.
history, Sanam Jang participated some prints from her son Alaya Jafri’s periodic swimming competition on social media. Yes, Sanam and Qassam’s son has secured the first rank in this competition. Aunt( Khala) Anam Jung participated filmland of this memorable day of Alaya Jafri on social media.
Do not forget to tell us in the comment section below, how numerous Pakistani dramatizations Sanam Jung has acted in so far, have you followed her dramatizations with great interest?