Pathan bacha Ahmed Shah who needs no preface came a social media star overnight because of one of his vids. What did this innocent child know that the people of Pakistan. Will like this child’s act so much that he’ll come the child of every ménage overnight? And there’s no mistrustfulness that this child is veritably innocent. And veritably sharp- inclined. MASHA- ALLAH.
As the child’s videotape went viral on social media. ARY Digital’s channel first called him on Nida Yasir’s morning show. And asked him about his particular life. Ahmed Shah lives in Peshawar and not in Karachi. And was invited to the program along with his uncle by giving him free tickets from there. At that time, Shah was veritably youthful and he wasn’t giving any answers on Nida Yasir’s show. If Nida Yasir was asking any question, he used to bear childishly. After that, she continued to appear in colorful programs. And on colorful television channels and therefore came an late social media star as well as a television star.
numerous people must know that Ahmad Shah has two further sisters. The name of the youngish family is Umer Shah and the name of the elder family is Abu Bakar. Sources say that like every time, these three sisters will be part of ARY Digital’s Ramadan 2023 transmission. These three sisters are seen in the children’s member in ARY Digital’s Ramadan transmission. And have veritably funny exchanges with the host.
But in moment’s composition,
We will see the happy news that the Pathan boy Ahmed Shah has come a ‘ family ’. And a family has been born in his house and his family has been named Ayesha. After numerous days, Ahmed Shah participated his invigorated family’s picture on social media. Ahmed Shah doesn’t write in his Instagram caption that this is his family. So people were allowing that now it’s four sisters rather of three.
Do you guys want to watch Ahmad Shah and his sisters in Ramadan 2023 transmission on ARY Digital?
We supplicate that Allah blesses Ayesha. Ameen.
Don’t forget to compliment Pakistan’s social media star Ahmed Shah. On getting a family in the comment section below. Thanks!