You all know this, like every time in Pakistan, this time too. Ramadan transmissions are being made with great vigor on nearly every private television channel. In this Ramzan broadcast race, every channel wants their channel to finish in first place. And that’s why different parts are arranged in these transmissions to make these programs longer. People are lovingly watching Rabia’s programme as well. But during Rabia’s programme, a regrettable incident occurred in which the “Volunteer”. Who was standing in the programme fell into the river. Only the legs of this girl could get wet in the water due to a lack of water. At Rabia Anum’s Ramadan concert, a girl falls into the pool due to dizziness
When the program’s host, Rabia, scooped up the girl from there and inquired. As to what she was doing there, the girl replied, “I fell down due to dizziness.” The incident took place when the children’s member was being vented in the program. Rabia said to this girl that we do n’t need anything in the children’s member. So why are you standing then? Well, Rabia seized the girl and made her sit next to her. And also took her to another side and asked the operation to check her BP.
At Rabia Anum’s Ramadan concert, a girl falls into the pool due to dizziness
Rabia Anum told the kids that the pool’s water level was kept low because of them. So if they fell in, they wouldn’t drown. She then left the woman to the operation. Rabia told the children that we should noway laugh when someone falls. And also the host gave a short flashback to the fall of their academy star, along with a memorial.
Have you guys also fallen due to similar dizziness during Ramadan presto? If yes, do n’t forget to partake your intriguing story with us. Thanks!