Well, Karachi is surely turning out to be the most unsafe place for people because of fleetly adding thefts and thievery cases. You presumably do n’t know whether the person coming toward you is a purloiner or not. In the last many times, these cases have incensed drastically and the rate is continuously touching the peaks but alas!
There’s no bone to give security for the people of Karachi. notorious YouTuber Maaz Safder has literally shocked everyone indeed though he informed his suckers that his family( Shaaz Safder) has got burgled at the hands of these merciless and cruel People who do n’t have Allah SWT fear.
Well, Maaz Safder’s family was all set to go to Umrah and his family went for a currency exchange. When he was on his way he was burgled by these stealers. They took down cash, passports, and other effects. Maaz Safder is taking the support of social media and has pledged to the people that anyone who would find their passports should make sure to bring them to his home.
In another story, he conveyed a communication to these stealers that they should n’t burglarize precious effects. A girl lashed out at him for participating such an insane communication. latterly Maaz Safder posted an reason concerning the matter.
YouTuber Maaz Safder’s family gets burgled right before leaving for Umrah YouTuber Maaz Safder’s family gets burgled right before leaving for Umrah It’s so sad to see him suffering. He himself has posted detailed stories on Instagram. People are supporting him and that’s all he needs this time.
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