Sohail Asghar, renowned TV actor, passed away in Lahore on 13th November 2021. This is another sad demise for the industry. According to family reports, the actor had been ill for the past 1.5 years. Further, he was in hospital in the past week as his health gradually deteriorated. Thus, the funeral prayers will be held in Karachi on 14th November 2021. So let’s find out more about the popular actor from Lahore.
Who is Sohail Asghar?
The veteran actor appeared in Pakistani film, TV and theater. He was born in Lahore. After completing his education, he joined Radio Pakistan. He enjoyed being a radio jockey for a decade. Soon after, he made a debut in TV serial Raat. Further, his first movie was aired in 2003, entitled, Murad. He starred in many dramas such as Laag, Piyaas, Chand Girhan and Kajal Ghar. In 2004, another film was released in which the performer got critical acclaim. The entertainer, also delivered in Khafa Khafa Zindagi (2018), Teri Meri Love Story (2016), Aap Ki Kaneez (2014), Aashti (2009). Asghar was awarded Outstanding Performance at The 1st Indus Drama Awards for fim Murad. Further, he received the best actor award in 2002 at the 12th PTV awards show. But sadly the actor is no more.
Sad demise
It is heartbreaking news to relate that the actor breathed his last on Saturday. According to his family, he had undergone gastric surgery which kept him unwell for more than a year. Lots of friends and family have expressed grief over the deceased passing.
Saddened to hear about the loss of a legend Sohail Asghar. Such a fine actor he was. A huge loss to our ent industry. His acting in “Chand Girhan” as Jahanian Shah was outstanding. May ALLAH rest his soul in peace and give his family & fans enough strength to cope with this loss
— Faisal Javed Khan (@FaisalJavedKhan) November 13, 2021
Veteran actor Sohail Asghar passed away after prolonged illness in Lahore today
— Radio Pakistan (@RadioPakistan) November 13, 2021
His funeral will be held on 14th of November 2021 after the prayer of Asr. Rest in peace departing soul. May God grant you forgive you and grant you the best in the next world.