Everything in Online.
Today we are living in the 21st century, the fastest period of all the era. Everything nowadays has gone fast. If we talk about food and clothing both of them are now at our doorsteps by online ordering facilities. Many new businesses are running by providing such facilities and are also a good source of earning. The necessities of our life are readily available to us in a matter of seconds. There are some applications that made life easy and comfortable.
HumMart is Pakistan’s successful online shopping mart that is providing such service on a quick and better means and is, of course, liked by all. Few other online grocery stores are running on a small scale.
Social media is a big river having billions of droplets, it is a huge mountain having no end. Many sites contribute a part of social media for example Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. While talking about social media how we cannot talk about TikTok? Some of you might be aware of it and some might not.
Summary of this platform is a musical application where you can make your videos on different dialogues and you can show your acting and dancing skills. And the cherry on the top is also a source of earning. Many youngsters especially are making money by making videos over there and uploading on their account becoming a source of fame and earning money as well.
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If we talk about the current scenario of this pandemic attack in 2020 of coronavirus. It has turned the whole world around 360 degrees. It has flipped every plan of each one’s life and here information technology is contributing a lot.
Due to this virus, the whole world has locked inside their rooms and every activity has frozen. Here, the online facility of the internet and technology is rescuing the world as a guardian angel.
From teaching to business, everything has shifted on the use of applications. Zoom, Google meet, Webinars are a few of those angels who are helping in teaching and giving lessons to their students, conducting sessions, and conferences for businesses. Millions of daily transactions have shifted online via the payment gateway system.
Smart Move by ISP’s.
Smart and economical packages are also being introduced to avail internet facility which is again a very smart move by the network providers in encashing the situation.
A few months back we were enjoying this online facility as a luxury and today it has become almost everyone’s necessity, everyone’s need. People are giving and taking online sessions, trainings, and classes.
Gatherings and parties are being held at online venues through zoom enjoying with a glass in hand and a mobile on another.
In short, everything is now online to make things go ON-LINE.